Wednesday, December 6, 2006

CFA Urgent Threat - Mansfield - King Valley - Tolmie

Urgent Threat message - Mansfield Complex 12.20 pm

Urgent threat message for residents around Burns Bridge to Knockwood, fire moving towards containment lines - 06/12/2006

DSE and CFA advise residents along the Woods Point Road from Burns Bridge to Knockwood area that a fire is moving towards containment lines and they may be threatened by this fire over the next 24 hours. These residents are advised to activate their fire plans immediately.

A containment line is in place between the fire and private property. Asset protection is our highest priority and DSE and CFA will actively defend properties as much as possible as the fire approaches the containment line. No backburning will occur.

Residents in this area are advised that embers may be landing around their property soon and they should take all measures to put them out as they arrive.

It is important that all residents protect themselves from radiant heat by wearing the right clothing. Residents should wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, sturdy boats and a broad rimmed hat.Synthetic material should not be worn.

As the fire front approaches it will become unsafe to be either on foot or in a car as the heat radiating from the fire will be intense. Residents should avoid being exposed to radiant heat at all costs, and should make use of structures like their home to shelter as the fire front passes.

After the fire front has passed, residents should immediately begin to patrol their house for embers or areas that are burning and extinguish then as best they can.

Important incident information Urgent Threat Message - Wangaratta - King Valley 11.40am

Wangaratta - King Valley - 06/12/2006 - 11.40am

Residents in the Edi Upper District along the Edi Blackrange Road are advised that there is fire activity approximately 1 km from the road.

Tolmie and Gears Hill 11.40am - 06/12/2006

DSE and CFA advise residents of Tolmie and the Gears Hill area near Cambatong Road, Shane Lane and Faithfulls Raod that they should prepare for the possibility of ember attack, thick smoke and fire.

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